Friday, March 30, 2012

श्री मुक्तिनाथ दर्शन यात्रा

संसारका ५ धामहरुमध्येको मुक्तिनाथ एक धाम हो। मुक्तिनाथको मन्दिर थोरङ्गला हिमालको फेदीमा ३७१० मिटर को उचाईमा अवस्थित छ। मुक्तिनाथ धवलागिरी अञ्चल तथा मुस्ताङ्ग जिल्लामा पर्दछ। खुल्ला र सफा दिनमा मुक्तिनाथबाट दक्षिणपट्टीको आकाशमा धवलागिरी हिमालको मनमोहक दृष्य देखिन्छ।

मुक्तिनाथ पवित्र भूमि हिन्दू र बौद्ध धर्मालम्वीहरु दुवैको लागि प्रख्यात छ। हिन्दु धर्मानुसार मुक्तिनाथको दर्शन गरेमा सबै पापहरुबाट मुक्ति मिल्दछ भन्ने विश्वास गरिन्छ। त्यसैले गर्दा प्रत्येक बर्ष असोज महिनादेखि ज्येष्ठ महिनासम्म मुक्तिनाथ दर्शनको लागि नेपाली तथा भारतीय धर्मालम्वीहरुको मन्दिरमा घुईंचो लाग्दछ।

मुक्तिनाथलाई ५१ शक्ति पीठ मध्येमा एक पीठको रुपमा पूजा गरिन्छ। बौद्ध धर्म अनुसार यसलाई च्यूमीग ग्यातुसा (Chumig Gyatsa) भनिन्छ। जसको अर्थ टिवेटन भाषा अनुसार एकसय आठ पानी हो। मुक्तिनाथको मन्दिरमा भगवान विष्णु लगायत देवी लमी र गरुड भगवानको मूर्ति अवस्थित छ, जुन सबै सुनले बनेको छ। मुक्तिनाथको मन्दिरमा १०८ धाराहरु छन् जसमा सबै तीर्थालुहरु नुहाउनको लागि आउने गर्दछन्। १०८ धाराहरुमा साँढेको मुखको आकृति छ जसको मुखबाट पानी बग्दछ। यहाँको पानीको तापक्रम ज्यादै चिसो, ० डिग्री सेन्टिग्रेडमा हुन्छ। मन्दिरमा बौद्ध आनीहरु हुन्छन् जसले मन्दिरको ढोका खोल्ने र पूजा गराउने काम गर्दछन्।

टिबेटन धर्म अनुसार गुरु रिन्पोचे (Rinpoche) टिबेटन बुद्ध धर्मका जन्मदाता यही मुक्तिनाथको बाटो गरी तपस्या गरेर टिबेट (Tibet) गएका भन्ने विश्वास गरिन्छ। मुक्तिनाथमा बग्ने खोला कालीगडकी हो। यहाँ नेपालको अन्य ठाउँमा नपाईने ढुङ्गा शीला वा शालीग्राम पाईन्छ, जसलाई हिन्दु धर्ममा भगवान नारायणको साक्षत रुप मानिन्छ। मुक्तिनाथ हिन्दु, बौद्ध, जैन र वैष्णव सबै धर्मालम्वीहरुको लागि एक प्रख्यात तीर्थस्थल हो, यहाँको १०८ धाराको आफ्नै बिशेषता छ। हिन्दु खगोलशास्त्र अनुसार संसारमा जम्मा १२ राशी र नौ ग्रह छन्, जसले १०८ समिश्रण दिन्छ। १०८ धारालाई यसैको प्रतिनिधिको रुपमा लिईन्छ।

पृथ्वीमा मुक्तिनाथ मात्र एक यस्तो ठाउँ हो, जहाँ पञ्चतत्व पाईन्छ। आगो, पानी, पृथ्वी, हावा र जल मुक्तिनाथको मन्दिर सँगै ज्वालादेवीको मन्दिर छ। यहाँ अवस्थित ज्वाला परापूर्वकालदेखि अहिलेसम्म निरन्तर रुपमा पानी माथि बलिरहेको विश्वास गरिन्छ। मुक्तिनाथको मन्दिरमा कुनै महत्वपूर्ण प्रसाद चढाईदै, ईच्छा अनुसारको मिठाई, फूलमाला, अक्षता चढाईन्छ।

अनुकुल समय :
मुक्तिनाथ दर्शनको लागि उपयुक्त समय फागुनदेखि शुरु भएर ज्येष्ठसम्म हो। आषाढ, श्रावण र भाद्र महिना बर्षायाम भएकोले तीर्थालुहरुको संख्या ज्यादै कम हुन्छ।

यातायात सुविधा :
मुक्तिनाथमा मौसममा धेरै फेरवदल भैरहन्छ। तीर्थालुहरु यहाँ सिधै हेलिकोप्टरबाट आएर पनि दर्शन गर्छन्। प्राय तीर्थालुहरु पोखराबाट हवाई विमान चढेर जोमसोम एयरपोर्ट भएर आउने गर्छन्। साथै पोखराबाट गाडीमा बेनी, घाँसा हुँदै जोमसोम मुक्तिनाथ आउने तीर्थालुहरुको पनि यहाँ कमी छैन। जोमसोमबाट मुक्तिनाथको मन्दिरसम्म पुग्न जीपको व्यवस्था छ, जसको लागि ०१ः३० मिनेट समय लाग्दछ।

श्री मुक्तिनाथ दर्शन यात्रा कार्यक्रम
पहिलो दिन
०६:०० बजे – महाँकाल स्थान न्यूरोड पुग्ने
०६:३० बजे – पोखराको लागि रिर्जभ गाडिद्वारा प्रस्थान
०९:०० बजे – बिहानको नास्ता
११:०० बजे – मुग्लिनमा बिहानको खाना
१३:३० बजे – पोखरा होटलमा पुग्ने
१६:०० बजे – पोखरामा दृष्यावलोकनको लागि फेवपातालमा बोटिङ्ग गरी बाराही मन्दिरको दर्शन
२०:०० बजे – बेलुकाको खाना
दोस्रो दिन
०६ः०० बजे – बिहानको नास्ता
०६ः३० बजे – पोखरा एयरपोर्टतिर प्रस्थान
०७ः०० बजे – हवाई विमानद्वारा जोमसोमको लागि प्रस्थान
०७ः२० बजे – जोमसोम होटलमा पुग्ने
११ः०० बजे – बिहानको खाना होटलमा
११ः३० बजे – मार्फा दृष्यावलोकनको लागि जीपद्वारा प्रस्थान
१४ः०० बजे – मार्फाबाट १ घटा ३० मिनेट पैदल यात्रा गरी जोमसोम फर्कने
२०ः०० बजे – बेलुकोको खाना
तेस्रो दिन
०६ः०० बजे – चियापान
०६ः३० बजे – जोमसोमबाट मुक्तिनाथ मन्दिरको लागि रिजर्भ जीपद्वारा प्रस्थान
०८ः०० बजे – रानीपौवा पुगेर मन्दिरमा पुग्न २० मिनेट पैदल यात्रा
०८ः२० बजे – मुक्तिनाथ मन्दिर पुगेर स्नान र पुजा गर्ने
१०ः०० बजे – मुक्तिनाथबाट जोमसोमको लागि प्रस्थान
१०ः३० बजे – रानीपौवा होेटेल पुगी बिहानको प्याकिङ्ग नास्ता खाने
११ः३० बजे – जीपद्वारा जोमसोमलागि प्रस्थान
१३ः०० बजे – जोमसोम होटल पुग्ने र बिहानको खाना खाने
२०ः०० बजे – बेलुकाको खाना
चौथो दिन
०६ः०० बजे – चियापान गरी जोमसोम एयरपोर्टको लागि प्रस्थान
०६ः३० बजे – हवाई विमानद्वारा पोखराको लागि उडान
०६ः२० बजे – पोखरा पुग्ने
०८ः०० बजे – दर्शनको लागि विन्ध्यवासिनी मन्दिर पुग्ने
०९ः०० बजे – बिहानको नास्ता चिप्लेढुङ्गा
०९ः३० बजे – डेभिजफल र गुप्तेश्वर गुफाको दृष्यावलोकन
११ः०० बजे – बिहानको खाना
२०ः०० बजे – बेलुकाको खाना
पाँचौं दिन
०७ः०० बजे – बिहानको नास्ता होटलमा
०८ः०० बजे – काठमाडौको लागि प्रस्थान
१२ः०० बजे – मलेखुमा बिहानको खाना
१६ः०० बजे – काठमाडौको महाँकाल स्थान पुगी हाम्रो यात्रा समाप्त हुन्छ।


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

world's expensive Fountain Pen !!

1. Aurora Diamante fountain pen
Aurora Diamante Top 10 Most Expensive Pens in The World
Price: $1,470,600

The Aurora Diamante is the most expensive writing instrument till date. Only one is for sale per year. The Aurora Diamante contains over 30 carats of De Beers diamonds on a solid platinum barrel. It has a two-tone, rhodium-treated, 18KT solid gold nib and is personalized with a coat of arms, signature or portrait. Aurora Pens says it is the only over 30 carat pen in the world.

2. Mystery Masterpiece – Mont Blanc and Van Cleef & Arpels Limited Edition
mystery masterpiece 500x331 Top 10 Most Expensive Pens in The World
Price: $730,000

To commemorate the centenary of these two renowned brands, Montblanc and Van Cleef & Arpels have collaborated on this fine, limited editions Mystery Masterpiece. Three individual editions, each set with either rubies, sapphires, or emeralds, will be crafted. Using the “Mystery Setting” technique for the gemstones, these intricate writing instruments are set to stun with their extravagant design, and equally-extravagant price: at US$730,000 each, they are truly a fitting homage to a century of each brands’ respective history.

3. La Modernista Diamonds – Caran d’Ache
La Modernista Diamonds Top 10 Most Expensive Pens in The World
Price: $265,000

La Modernista Diamonds was made by the Swiss company Caran d’Ache in 1999 in homage to Antonio Gaudi (1852-1926), the most famous of Modernist architects. This amazing fountain pen was sold in Harrods, London, for $265,000, becoming the most expensive pen in GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS in 2001. La Modernista Diamonds is made of rhodium-coated solid silver components. It boasts of an 18-carat rhodium-coated gold nib and is set with a total of 5,072 Wesselton diamonds weighing in at 20-carats, as well as and 96 rubies totalling 32-carats. The pen was hand-made by master jeweler Robert Perron and it took him six months to complete this true masterpiece of writing instruments.

4. Omas Phoenix Platinum – Fountain Pen Luxury Limited Edition with Diamonds
omas platinum Top 10 Most Expensive Pens in The World
Price: $60,000

With overwhelming price tag of $60,000, this truncated cone shaped pen is a true embodiment of fact and fancy. Made with 950 platinum and yellow Enamel, with considerable length and diameter, 18K gold rhodiated engraving nib.
5. Visconti – Ripple H.R.H. Fountain Pen
Ripple H R H Top 10 Most Expensive Pens in The World
Price: $ 57,000

One of the most remarkable Visconti pens is Ripple H.R.H. Limited Edition fountain pen. Made of 18K white gold and diamonds and with two-tone 18K gold nib, it costs $57,000.00. It has double reservoir filling system and is sold in two variations – white gold and black

6. Visconti – Alchemy H.R.H. Fountain Pens
alchemy hrh Top 10 Most Expensive Pens in The World
Price: $ 57,000

The beautifully handcrafted Alchemy HRH by Visconti is part of the HRH collection of handmade fountain pens and rollerball pens from this fine pen maker. This luxury pen, unlike other fountain pens, has two nibs, two ink reservoirs and is trimmed with two different metals � exquisite gold and silver vermeil. Both nibs are of the best 18K gold and come in different sizes to suit every writing style. Even those used to writing with rollerball pens will love using the Alchemy.
The body is made from a classic, rich, red resin and the gold and silver trim is decorated with expensive 4K diamonds and rubies. One cap has gold trim, the other silver, and these trims interlace to create a cosmic map with alchemic symbols – stunning!

7. Visconti – The Forbidden City H.R.H. Fountain Pen
forbiden city Top 10 Most Expensive Pens in The World
Price: $50,500.00

The Visconti brand is known for best quality, style and creativity. This distinguished Visconti pen is the Forbidden City H.R.H. Limited Edition fountain Pen. Made of black resin, 18K gold and diamonds and boasting of Power Filler innovative filling system invented by Visconti, it is sold for $50,500.00.

8. MARTE – Omas Fountain Pen
omas pen marte Top 10 Most Expensive Pens in The World
Price: $43,000

Omas Fountain Pen MARTE is part of the Viaggi dell’Uomo, Travel of Man, Masterpieces collection of custom design fountain pens, rollerball pens and pen sets. The Marte (Italian for Mars) is actually a map of Mars made from classic rose gold to represent the pink-red hue of the planet. Deserts, mountains and craters all feature on the barrel of this pen and four rubies mark the landing points of the Russian and American probes. The cap is encrusted with 2K of small diamonds reminiscent of the polar ice caps and the clip details astronomer Tycho Brahe’s Mural Quadrant. Even the rose gold nib is engraved with a representation of the Greek God Mars! There are just 30 of these fountain pens in circulation, so they are perfect for the pen collector to add to his expensive pen collections, or for the executive who enjoys writing with designer pens

9. Gaia High Luxury – Omas Fountain Pens
gaia high luxury Top 10 Most Expensive Pens in The World
Price: $43,000

Gaia high Luxury fountain pens and rollerball pens by Omas are a glimpse into the dark and deep recesses of the earth. The impenetrable inner core of the earth has inspired wonder, curiosity and interest in man since creation. A miscellany of precious materials such as the white and yellow 18K gold, the Onyx, the Crystal rock, the hematite and the vegetal resin has been utilized into the making of this mystic model by Omas.
Gaia High Luxury fountain pens and rollerball pens are a presentation in the celebration of Jules Verne’s futuristic vision of the world. It also commemorates the one hundredth death anniversary. Depicting geographical wonders of the world, the pen absolutely differs from pens that reflect the classic essence of history. The dark grey color of the metal that it is made of, symbolizes the trip to the dark interior of the earth. The body of the pen from top to toe features the engraved images of gigantic spiders, carnivorous plants, and water beasts. The blend of fear and wonder in the engraving of these horrors makes this particular model different from a range of pen collections

10. CREW 60TH White Gold – Tibaldi fountain pens
crew 60th Top 10 Most Expensive Pens in The World
Price: $43,000

TIBALDI Pens CREW 60TH are a landmark in pen making history with Bentley, the automobile giant creating its own handcrafted pen sets in association with the world’s best Italian luxury designer pen maker, Tibaldi.
These expensive Tibaldi for Bentley pens have a two-tone 18-carat yellow gold nib covered in rhodium and ruthenium. The pen’s barrel has the fine finish identical to Bentley’s dashboard. This finish was first used in Bentley’s earliest car with a technique called engine tuming. The pen’s cap and upper and lower barrel parts are knurled for a good grip while writing for the executive. You can see the level of ink through the transparent window of the Tibaldi for Bentley pens. A handmade tie shaped clip on the pen marks Tibaldi’s signature.
The Tibaldi for Bentley Crewe 60th white gold fountain pen collection is a limited edition of 40 solid white gold fountain pens

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

10 secrets of super-happy couples

Pretend you’ve just met

Whether you’ve been together for six months or six years, spend some time each day acting as if you just started dating. Ask him what he thought of that TV episode or share what you’d do if you won the lottery. “Over time, couples stop asking those exploratory, get-to-know-you questions because they think they already understand each other,” says Terri Orbuch, author of 5 Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage from Good to Great. But because we all continue to change and develop, little daily check-ins like this are what keep the connection growing, according to Orbuch’s research of 373 pairs. Chat about something beside the daily grind – at least for a bit.

Control the boozing

Any relationship will be shaken and stirred by too much alcohol, but research suggests that young adults who drink heavily (meaning four or more drinks on one occasion for women; five or more for men) are less likely to wed in the first place and may be a greater risk for early separation if they do. Partners may be more likely to have commitment issues to begin with, and once they couple up their bonds may be unstable. “If you’re going to be in a solid intimate partnership, you’re going to need all the good judgement and compassion you can muster,” says Dr Hatt. Which means keeping the drinking in check.

Don’t win an Oscar

That is, unless you’d like to thank the academy for ruining your relationship. A Best Actress winner is 63 per cent more likely to have her marriage end before her category mates do, say researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in the US and the University of Toronto, Canada. (And it’s definitely not an honour to be nominated either: 60 per cent of all nominees, male or female, experience at least one divorce after getting a nod.)
While the break-up rate might seem like it’s just celebrity hogwash, the findings may speak to an underlying social norm: sudden one-sided success can put a strain on a romantic partnership. “The increased rate of divorce may be due to a husband’s discomfort with his wife’s success,” says study author Colleen Stuart. “On the other hand, the wife may grow dissatisfied with her current marital arrangement because she now has the confidence and opportunity to move away from a bad relationship.” Try to remain a power couple: encourage and celebrate each other’s successes, big and small.


Tweet responsibly

Avid tweeters have shorter relationships – 10 per cent shorter, on average – than those who don’t microblog, according to a survey of more than 800,000 people from dating website “Having your eyes glued to your smartphone screen isn’t exactly conducive to romance,” says Dr Hatt. Be sure your tendency toward technology (tweets, texts, etc) doesn’t take up time better spent engaging in heart-to-heart communication with your husband.

Hold a grudge (as long as he doesn’t)

Provided that your partner is able to bounce back from spats, you’ll experience greater satisfaction, even if you tend to stay irritated, according to recent research published in Psychological Science. The mark of a good recovery: you don’t allow conflicts about one issue – say, money  – to spill over into other areas of your relationship, such as how you help each other after a tough day, says study author Dr Jessica Salvatore, from the University of Minnesota, US. A yang to your yin yields harmony, so they say...

Burn bras (together)

Forget flowers – feminism is the new romance,  while men with feminist partners experience more sexual satisfaction and relationship stability. “A male feminist partner may increase a woman’s ability to realise her own goals and career ambitions,” says study author Dr Laurie Rudman. “And male feminists are probably not threatened by their partner’s strivings.” Plus, these women may be more likely to initiate sex, and no bloke is going to complain about that.

Be the beauty to his beast

Coupling up with an average Joe (with a beer belly) may be the key to long-term love. According to a study in the Journal of Family Psychology, when men were married to more attractive women, they seemed more likely to step up to the plate, says study author Dr Benjamin Karney. “But when husbands were better-looking, they didn’t seem as engaged in helping their wives achieve their goals.” (Size matters too: When women had a lower BMI than their bloke, both partners tended to be more satisfied, according to other research.) The real secret to success? Support. Whether you’re motivated by a gorgeous face or some other quality, couples are more likely to enjoy long-run happiness when they’re invested in each other’s welfare.

Twist the sheets at least once a week

Australia’s Biggest Health Check Survey* found that the average woman has  sex  around once a week, but increasing the frequency of your romps generates as much bliss as scoring an extra $50,000 in income, according to researchers from Dartmouth College, US and the University of Warwick, UK. It’s not so much the sex itself that leads to happiness; the frequency is a better marker for a successful relationship. “Couples who like each other end up in bed more often,” says study author Dr Andrew Oswald. “And it’s the liking-each-other part that increases joy.” But seriously, who needs a reason? Bank on more booty.

Limit the chick flicks

If Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Reynolds regularly appear in your living room, your union could be in the danger zone. “Romantic comedies can set up unreasonable expectations, which may lead to unnecessary suffering,” says psychologist Dr Sean Patrick Hatt. “Comparing yourselves with idealised others is a recipe for misery.” Sure, rom-coms can be feel-good escapes, but they may also promote magical thinking about relationships. For example, as partnerships mature and the initial intensity tends to fade, many couples try to recapture the euphoria they had in the beginning, says Hatt. “And that sort of thinking is only reinforced by Hollywood endings,” he adds. Hitting the DVD shop? Treat the rom-coms as just that – a treat.

Nurture your friends’ relationships

You might divorce-proof your own. According to Brown University, US, researchers, the break-up of a close friend’s marriage increases your own odds of splitting by as much as 75 per cent. “Some people may see another’s divorce as permission to change their own life,” suggests study co-author Dr Rose McDermott. Alternatively, when you encourage your friends to stay together (happily), you may generate reasons that also apply to your bond.


15 easy ways to burn more fat

15 easy ways to burn more fat

Shanta dhenga

1. DON'T DIETThe Women's Health Diet isn't about eating less; it's about eating more—more nutrient-dense food, to crowd out the empty kilojoules and keep you full all day. That's important, because restricting food will kill your metabolism. It sends a signal to your body that says, "I'm starving!” Your body responds by slowing your metabolic rate to hold on to existing energy stores. If the food shortage  continues, you'll begin burning muscle tissue, which just gives your enemy, visceral fat, a greater advantage. Your metabolism slows further and fat goes on to claim even more territory.

2. GO TO BED EARLIER A study in Finland looked at sets of identical twins and discovered that in each set of siblings, the twin who slept less and was under more stress had more visceral fat.

3. EAT MORE PROTEIN Your body needs protein to maintain lean muscle. researchers argued that the recommended daily intake of 0.36 grams of protein per half kilo of body weight, is inadequate for anyone doing resistance training and recommend that women get between 0.5 and 1 gram per half kilo of body weight. (If you want to lose weight, use your goal body weight as your guide). Add either 85 g of lean meat, 2 tablespoons of nuts, or 225 g of low-fat yoghurt, to every meal and snack. Plus, research shows that protein can up post-meal kilojoule burn by as much as 35 per cent.

4. GO ORGANIC WHEN YOU CAN Canadian researchers report that dieters with the most organochlorines (pollutants from pesticides, which are stored in fat cells) experience a greater-than-normal dip in metabolism as they lose weight, perhaps because the toxins interfere with the energy-burning process. Of course, it's not always easy to find—or afford—organic produce. In general, items that you peel—avocado, grapefruit, bananas—are fine. But choose organic when buying celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, blueberries and nectarines; they have some of the highest levels of pesticides.

5. GET UP, STAND UP Whether you sit or stand at work may play as big a role in your waistline as your fitness routine. Researchers discovered that inactivity (4 hours or more) causes a near shutdown of an enzyme that controls fat and cholesterol metabolism. To keep this enzyme active and increase fat-burning, break up periods of downtime by standing up—for example, while talking on the phone.

6. DRINK COLD WATER German researchers found that drinking 6 cups of cold water a day (that's almost 1.5 litres) can raise resting metabolism by about 209 kilojoules daily—enough to shed 2.2 kg in a year, with essentially zero additional effort. The increase may come from the work it takes to heat the water to body temperature.

7. EAT THE HEAT It turns out that capsaicin, the compound that gives chillies their heat, can also fire up your metabolism. Eating about 1 tablespoon of chilli boosts your sympathetic nervous system (responsible for your fight-or-flight response), according to a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology. The result: a temporary metabolism spike of about 23 per cent. Stock up on fresh or dried chilli to add to salsa or for tossing into stir-fries.

8. REV UP IN THE MORNING Eating breakfast jump starts your metabolism so it's no accident that those who skip brekky are 41⁄2 times more likely to be obese. The heartier your first meal is, the better. In one study, volunteers who got 22 to 55 per cent of their total kilojoules at breakfast gained 700 g on average over 4 years. While those who ate zero to 11 per cent gained nearly double.

9. DRINK COFFEE OR TEA Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, so your daily java can rev your metabolism by 5 to 8 per cent—burning about 410 to 728 kJ a day. A cup of brewed tea can raise your metabolism by 12 per cent, according to one Japanese study.

10. FIGHT FAT WITH FIBRE Research shows that some fibre can fire up your fat burn by as much as 30 per cent. Studies find that those who eat the most fibre gain the least weight over time. Aim for about 25 grams a day—the amount in about three servings each of fruits and vegetables.

11. EAT IRON-RICH FOODS Iron is essential for carrying the oxygen your muscles need to burn fat. Unless you restock your stores, you run the risk of low energy and a sagging metabolism. Shellfish, lean meats, beans, fortified cereals and spinach are excellent sources.

12. GET MORE VITAMIN D Vitamin D is essential for preserving muscle tissue. Get 90 per cent of your recommended daily intake (400 IU) in 100 g of salmon. Other good sources: tuna, fortified milk and cereal and eggs.

13. DRINK MILK There's some evidence that calcium deficiency, which is common in many women, may slow metabolism. Research shows that consuming calcium through dairy foods such as fat-free milk and low-fat yoghurt may also reduce fat absorption from other foods.

14. EAT WATERMELON The amino acid arginine, abundant in watermelon, might promote weight loss, according to the Journal of Nutrition. In a laboratory study, adding this amino acid to the diet of obese mice enhanced the oxidation of fat and glucose. Snack on watermelon and other arginine sources, such as seafood, nuts and seeds, year-round.

15. STAY HYDRATED All of your body's chemical reactions, including your metabolism, depend on water. If you are dehydrated, you may be burning up to 2 per cent fewer kilojoules,  Drink at least eight to twelve glasses a day.