Friday, June 10, 2011

विवाहको मन्डपमा सात परीक्रमाको अर्थ

Religious Definition of Hindu Marriage 7 rounds have a symbolic representation for both Bride and the Groom in its own ways. For Boy (These are mostly the external factors that influence the family by virtue of the male role in the family)

पहिलो परीक्रमा This First step is to ensure that he feeds his family

Vow: We will share the responsibilities of the house, food and finance together. May God bless us with children and may they have long lives

दोस्रो परीक्रमा This Second step is for his strength for the family

Vow: You are only my beloved wife. I will love you and only you. I give commitment will provide strength and courage to you, my wife, always.

तेस्रो परीक्रमा This Third step is for the wealth for the family

Vow: The third step is for the growth of prosperity and wealth, and to educate their children.

चौथो परीक्रमा This Fourth step is for the Happiness and peace for the family

Vow: In the fourth step he thanks his wife for bringing auspiciousness and sacredness in his life.

पाचौ परीक्रमाThis Fifth step is for the kids in the family

Vow: In the fifth step may the Goddess Mahalaxmi (Deity of Prosperity) make us prosperous and God bless us.

छैटो परीक्रमा
This sixth step is for good seasons
Vow: In the sixth step the groom promises the bride that he will fill her heart with great joy and peace, time and time again

सातौ परीक्रमा
This seventh step is for the divine bond of friendship between the husband and wife
Vow: This is the last and final step. Here the groom tells his bride that as you have walked seven steps with me you have made our love and friendship firm and inseparable. Now you have become mine and I offer my total self to you. May our marriage successfully last forever. These responsibilities from the side of the groom are such that even after divorce he keeps on feeding the lady irrespective of her.

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