Wednesday, August 24, 2011



Starting from:
Dhunche (Drive from Kathmandu 6 hour)
Ending at:
Dhunche (Drive to Kathmandu)
Highest access of the trek:
Kangjing Gompa 3,800m.
Different Community with majority of Tamang, Chhetri, Brahamn & Tibetan.
Mode of trekking tour:
Lodge Trek & Fully camping trek.
Himalayan sights:
Langtang Himal 6581m, Langtang Ri 7246, Lakpha Dorje Kimsung 6745m, Ganesh Himal 1 -7406m, Ganesh II 7150m, Ganesh III - 7130m, Yala Peak 5560m, Ganjal Chuli 5844m, Langshisa - Ri 6310m., Morimoto peak 6750m, Pongen Dopku 5930m, Tembthang 5702m, Salbachum 6707m, Kyungka Ri 6979m, Langtang Ri 7205m, Chusmodo 6508m,
Most Attraction of the trek:
Different Community with majority of Tamang, Chhetri, Brahamn, Tibetan and Great Himalayan Landscape etc.

Trekking in the spectacular Langtang Valley is the closest you could get to the massive snow capped mountains from Kathmandu valley.

The Langtang Valley is located only 19 miles north of Kathmandu, close to the border of Tibet. The valley is dominated by Langtang Lirung [7246m], the highest peak in the area. This is a superb introduction to trekking in Nepal among some of the most beautiful scenery in the whole country.
This Langtang trek towards the base of Langtang Himal, north of Kathmandu valley, offers the shortest approach to snowy mountains from Kathmandu. The Langtang trek starts from Syabru Besi after a 9 hrs drive from Kathmandu. Following a trail upstream Bhote Kosi river through ethnic Tamang villages, lush green forests and the wide spread Kyangin valley surrounded by snowy peaks from all fours sides, takes you up to Kyangin at 3800 meter, where you get an opportunity to ascend Kyangjin Ri [4350m.], from where the 360 degree mountain views are truly panoramic. After an ascent of Kyangjin Ri, we retrace our route back down the valley to Syabru Besi and then drive back to Kathmandu.
Due to gradual ascent along the river valley this Langtang trek is not considered strenuous, but yet, it remains challenging as it reaches an altitude of 3800 meter at Kyangjin. The Langtang trek can be done any time of the year except during monsoons [July & August].

Langtang is a region in Nepal to the north of Kathmandu and bordering Tibet. Just to the north of Kathmandu are two lovely regions where one may experience Tamang and Sherpa life, temperate forest and alpine pastures, glaciers, lakes and snowy peaks. Helambu valley noted for its scenic grandeur and pleasant climate, lie in the north of the Kathmandu Valley. One can stay in highland monastery villages and small settlements in pristine forests. Above Helambu is a mountain pass through the lakes of Gosainkunda reaching the valley of Langtang
Helambu Langtang and Gosaikuanda trek is one of the most beautiful trekking in Nepal Langtang is a narrow valley lies south Tibetan border. This is very popular for similar, with Tibetan and Taming ethnic group whose culture which, religious, language and dress can see beautiful mountain view of Langtang Gang Chhenpo Naya Khagri Ganesh Himal , Tibetan renges andother ranges. We drive to Dhunche[6400 feet ] and trek north from the road and head in to the proctead pine and rhododendron forest of Langtang National Park . It is high valley open way to streams, yak pastures, glacier morine and Buddhist monasteries. Gosaikunda is lies 4300mt..It is holly lake for hindu If any body they like to explore this area can found 108 lakes. Thousand of Hindu and Buddhist pilgrims visit lakes during the full moon festival in August and from Laurebinak can see beautiful view of Annapurna, Manasalus,Ganesh Himals, Tibetan ranges and Lamtang .Helambu area can found Sherpa but different then Everest Trek. they are know as Helumbu Sherpa which have a different culture and languages .Also from this area you can see nice views of many mountains .Different type of flora.
Gosaikunda lake itself is situated at 4,380 meters. It is sacred to Lord Shiva and every summer there throng thousands of Hindu devotees to take a holy dip into the waters of the holy lake. Nearby are other lakes including Nagkunda, Bhairavkunda, Saraswatikunda and Suryakunda. The trek passes through a varied landscape ranging from evergreen forests, cascading waterfalls and turbulent streams to sub-alpine grasslands and stark, beautiful mountainsides. Langtang valley stretches north of Gosainkunda . One travels through pristine forests to the village of Ghoda Tabela, then the valley opens out into a high, Himalayan river plain full of beautiful camping sites, spectacular peaks and wide glaciers. One can hike to the back of the valley or take numerous optional trips to explore glacier-filled side canyons.
In the upper part of valley there are snow bridges spanning angry torrents, high passes enveloped in mist, tiny lakes with icebergs floating on them and water of crystalline brightness. There are also high mountains of solid ice.

Some of the peaks in Langtang are:
Langtang Lirung
Dorje Lakpa
Dragmarpo Ri
ca 6500m
Langshisha Ri
Naya Kanga
Yala Peak
Surya Peak
Tsergo Ri
ca 5000m

Altitude Sickness:

Many people are concerned about altitude sickness. Altitude sickness often known as acute mountain sickness (A.M.S.) in general may occur when people ascend too quickly normally in altitudes of over 3000 m. The symptoms of altitude sickness are due to lower air pressure at high altitudes, which results in lower oxygen levels as you breathe the air in. The air is under less pressure and this makes it harder for your body to get the oxygen out of the air and into the circulation. It's this extra strain on the body that causes altitude sickness
The major symptoms of altitude sickness
Initial symptoms
1. Periods of sleeplessness
2. Runny nose
3. Extra tiredness
4. Occasional loss of appetite
5. feeling laziness
6. Wish to vomiting
7. Periodic breathing

Above are normal symptoms which may occur into your body that you should not be worried. Every trekker will experience some or all of these, no matter how slowly they ascend.
Advance symptoms

1. Headache and vomiting
2. Dizziness.
3. Racing heartbeat
4. Exhaustion
5. Nausea
6. Diarrhea
7. Loss of apatite
8. Weakness
9. Hard to breath
10. Tired
11. Dry Raspy cough
12. Sleeplessness

When above symptoms occur into your body, these symptoms usually resolve by spending one or two extra nights at the same altitude or using medicine. Even you are resting at the same altitude or using medicine, if symptoms are becoming worse, then it is necessary to descend.

Serious Symptoms

1. Worsening headache and vomiting
2. Swelling of hands and face
3. Reduced urine output
4. Walking with a staggering gait
5. Confusion
6. Increased tiredness
7. Breathing irregularity
8. Visual hallucinations (seeing things that are not real)
9. Changes in the ability to think
10. Changes in normal behavior

If above serious symptoms occur into your body, these extremely dangerous symptoms are called High Altitude Cerebral Edema (or HACE). They can lead to unconsciousness and death within 12 hours.

Increasing shortness of breath, cough and tiredness may also be signs of High Altitude Pulmonary Edema or HAPE. HAPE can also be rapidly fatal if ignored.
Some more method for Preventing of Altitude Illness:

1. Avoid Alcohol
2. Do not use Sleeping pills.
3. Drink plenty of liquids (at least three liters a day)
4. Avoid getting cold.
5. Bring adequate medicine
6. Not ignoring symptoms of altitude sickness if they occur.
7. Walk slowly
Note :
We have guides trained at the High Altitude Medical Training Center. Our staff is very experienced in dealing with the effects of higher altitudes. As they are natives of Nepal, they easily acclimatize and therefore can care for their clients. They are equipped with necessary medical supplies and will assist you with basic first aid treatment. We design our tours to ensure clients are ready for high altitude, and arrange alternative itineraries for those at risk

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